Open ICIS FAI 2019: Progressive Islam in Multi Perspective
Islam in reality shows various variants of movement and ideology. In Indonesia, political contestation has dragged religion into a political tool for the interests of certain groups. At this stage, Muslims in Indonesia appear to be fragmented and as if there is a clash between who is a real muslim and those who are considered not to support Religion. Seeing such dynamics, question about the function of religion were higlighted again. Questions like how should a Muslim behave towards political issues. Who is most responsible for polarization in Muslim societies? How does the function of religion regulate one’s social status? Looking at the complexity of this issue, the ICIS conference will try to look at and recast the role of religion in public spaces from various perspectives. In particular, this conference wants to answer what is called Progressive Islam and whether it can be answer to the polarization and social political contestation of Muslims. The conference invites abstracts based on original and critical research, addressing at least one of the themes listed below around Progressive Islam.
Paper Submission at:
Conference Venue:
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Conference Hall, 4th Campus, Jl. Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan Banguntapan